Thursday, December 20, 2007

Three Inches from My Annual Holiday Breakdown

Those who know me well know Christmas is not my favorite of holiday. It started the Christmas I was 12 and received a spoon rack. First, who gives this to a 12 year-old? Second, who still collects spoons? And, finally, why did I need to get a spoon rack? I wasn't travelling the world at that point and needed a souvenier from everywhere I visited.

From that year on, I would find myself in a fit of tears at some point each holiday season. I am trying not to get there this year. I have found myself close on several occasions in the past two weeks.

I need to remind myself I have so much to be thankful for this year. I have my health, my husband is healthy and my parent's are healthy. I have the best friends anyone could ask for. I have a lovely new sister-in-law.

I have watched two dear friends go through hell this fall while they deal with sick parents. I can't imagine being in their shoes. My temptation to cry over expectations not met or frustrations over work has to be put in prospective. I am trying hard, though it is not easy.

I hope this is the year I break streak of holiday breakdown. I will let you know after the holidays.

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