Wednesday, January 30, 2008

The Best Day at Work Ever!

Tuesday was my best day of work ever. I might be exaggerating slightly, but it truly was a great day at work. Nike declared yesterday, Tuesday, January 29th, Roger Federer Day.

Roger Federer was with the people nearly all day. He was totally accessible to crazed fans everywhere on campus. My fanagers in crime and I did not miss a single event. (A fanager is a crazed fan who is unable to restrain themselves in the presence of a celebrity.)

Roger (we are on a first name basis now) started his day at the Bo showing off some tennis training moves. We stood and happily watched. Roger and his entourage then went to the cafeteria. He played cashier.

Teri and I grabbed whatever we could. We didn't want to waste time in the food lines. We wanted to get in Roger's line. I proudly walked up to him carrying an orange and a bottle of water. Teri was carrying a bag of Kettle Chips and a thing of milk. I told Roger we were eating healthy and I shook his hand.

The highlight of the day came when my fellow fanager, Yen Ly, competed against Roger in a Wii tennis match. Teri made stickers that said, "Yen Ly Heart Wii." I handed out the stickers to everyone. The MC wore one and small children were asking for them. Yen handed Roger a sticker at the start of their match. He wore the sticker while she took him down!

It was fabulous to be a spectator. They talked trash while playing. Roger was merely feet away. So much fun!

I really needed a day like yesterday. I walked away from work on what felt like a sugar-high.

Just a few comments about Roger:

He never stopped smiling. He truly looked like he had fun every stop he made.

He has incredible hair.

He is incredibly real and is truly a nice guy.

Saturday, January 5, 2008

Our Fabulous Trip Back East!

Chrisotpher and I were able to fly back east to visit the Dunn's. You may or may not know the Dunn's. "My Jenny" as I call her is my oldest, dearest friend. Her husband, Brian, is completing his Master's of History and African Studies at Penn. She has two fabulous daughters, Wesleigh (8) and Frances (3). The girl's are the apples of both Christopher and I's eyes. Jen just completed her culinary training at a school in Philadelphia. There is nothing that comes out of her kitchen that isn't amazing. We ate and drank well while we were in Philly. I have posted photos from our trip.